
Friday, May 12, 2017

When I became a mom.

I have wanted to get on here for a couple of days to talk about motherhood. Mother's day is coming up in a couple of days and I have been wondering what exactly I wanted to talk about. Do I want to talk about my mom? Do I want to go into my life as a mom? So many things. And then it hit me. I should talk about what happened the first day I became a mom.

Friday, April 28, 2017

A New Journey

It's 2017. It's been a long while since I have come here. At that point in my life I felt I didn't need to post anymore. Since then, a lot of things have been going on in my life and I have come to a point that I think it's time to come back to the blog. Here is a little bit of what has been going on without going into a lot of detail.

Back in early 2014 J and I decided to try again to have a baby after my fibroid surgery that previous December. We worked with our reproductive endocrinologist and we were successful on the second try. I ended up quitting Zumba because I was so nervous that I would harm the baby (crazy right). But everything seemed to be going well. We kept hitting milestone after milestone and though it felt like forever before we would see the doctor again, our RE said we were good to go to our regular OB for the rest of the pregnancy. I can't begin to explain the joy we felt every time we would see the doctor and she would tell us how great things were going. Days turned into weeks that turned into months. Until finally.....

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


So I was going through my phone and looking at all the pictures. I was really trying to see if there were any I needed to get rid of because they were pointless. And I came across a picture that shocked me.

Friday, December 27, 2013

A look back

So, haven't really posted a while. But, if you know me at all, you know that I don't really do a lot in my own journal let alone something someone else is going to see. But I do have a few things that I want to talk about.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 291

So I came over here to update my "Books" portion of my blog and found a suprise. I am only ONE book away from reading/listening to 30 books for the year! Hooray! I actually had to up my membership on audible because I was going through more than one book a month. So I am wondering what number I will get to by the end of the year? Probably only a little over 30 since the year is almost over. Holy crap! The year is almost over!

At work we are already working on implamenting the holiday decorations. Not putting them up until after Thanksgiving, but we are buying a lot and coming up with things to get people in the door. And let me say, I love being busy. I enjoy working here....a lot. Granted, my ideal job would be to dance all day at my own studio and teach dance. But that will not pay the bills. And we have bills.

But I digress. This isn't going to be long as I do need to get back to work. But I thought I would put that in since I noticed it as I was updating.

Another fun fact. It has been 15 weeks since I was told I was "pre-diabetic" and started eating fewer carbs. I was at 185 at that time and I size 16. This passed weekend I had to go out and get more slacks for work as I only had 2 pair that fit me. They are all size 14. I dropped a whole pant size! And I got on the scale this morning to see what it would tell me. Ladies and gents..........................170lbs!!! I haven't seen 170 since before J and I started trying for a baby! That is 15 pounds gone in 15 weeks. I honestly can't believe it! Granted I am not able to eat some of the things that I used to. But just like soda, I am getting used to not having it. Speaking of soda. I have not had soda since April. That is 7 months without. And I must say I don't miss it as much as I used to.

Well thems the facts as I know them. Bye!


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 255 - An Opinion needing to get out

I have an opinion. This thought has been in my mind for a couple of weeks and I need to get it out. And I keep feeling like I should either state that opinion or keep it to myself. So I am writing it down so that I can stop thinking about that opinion. And it is MY opinion. If you agree, fine. But if not, it is still my opinion. You do not have to read on.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 250

So I realized something the other day and have yet to talk about it.